Conscious Sedation

It is a technique widely used for years in the United States, in Canada and several European countries. The controlled administration of oxygen and nitrous oxide inhaled, induces a sense of relaxation, reducing the emotional charge, the perception of pain and anxiety, increasing the tractability of the patient and facilitating the collaboration with the doctor, while maintaining unchanged the tutelary reflexes. It remembers that conscious sedation does not produce side effects and presents only general contraindications. Ècioè 'a very safe technique if you are using an automatic machine, such as ours, which does not allow a concentration of more' high N2O of 30%, compared with a partial pressure of oxygen above 70%! The cost of this benefit, and 'limited (from 25 euro for interventions of Conservative Dentistry and Extractive up to 50 € for those of Implantology)
Fields of application:
- Pediatric dentistry. Notoriously children are those who suffer most from the problem "dental anxiety", often resulting in complete non-cooperation. Dentistry will thus have to face inconvenience and loss of time. Sedation solves this problem by saving time and facilitating the work of operators.
- Handicapped. This technique, widely spread, "obliges" the patient to long response times, producing moments of stress, which sometimes lead to "non-cooperation", just in the important moments, sedation helps to address all phases so peaceful and cooperative.
- Dental phobias and other everyday situations.The problem of dental phobias is also widespread in adults and that these away from dental practices. There are also situations of daily operations, such as the taking of fingerprints, the ablation of tartar, which often cause unwanted problems. Sedation solves all these problems, "approaching" the patient dentistry. The greatest benefit is definitely reserved for operators who can operate quietly, without stress and saving time.